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Nick's Report

On the last day of our trip to Utah, we were privileged to go to Nick's Report. Nick is Travis and Kelly's son. (Our nephew) He served a mission in Argentina, and gave a wonderful talk! Afterwards, Travis and Kelly provided everyone with a fabulous dinner at their house. It was so nice and hot, but a little too hot for Richard. He thought that by eating under the trampoline, he could get a little more shade. Some of the kids joined him.

I am not sure who the little girl on the right is. She must be a friend of the family, but she held Travis and Kelly's little dog, and Sarah couldn't seem to get enough. How could she not? It's like a Little Pet Shop, but bigger and fluffier. Plus, it moves!

Here is Nick and Richard. The picture makes it look like Richard had a hold of Nick's ear, but I am pretty sure he didn't. :)

"Anyone for some cantaloupe?" In background are Richard's Dad Hal, Melissa, and Renae (Mike's wife).

Here are Melissa, Travis, and Alison. I also thought Sabrina looked pretty cute in her yellow Sunday dress and baseball cap.

Richard's Mom and Rob. (Not only was this Father's Day, but it happened to be Rob's birthday as well.)

We really enjoyed spending some time with some of Richard's siblings that we don't get to see very often. I feel so blessed to have married into such a great family. I have learned so much from the Ferguson's. It's no wonder Richard is such an amazing husband and father! So, Happy Father's Day Richard - I am so lucky to have you! :)